
Together with signion, you decide which services make sense and are necessary for your company. The decisive factor in all cases is the result-oriented focus on the project goals agreed upon with the client.

  • Check and improve data quality
  • Agree strategic goals
  • Identify and avoid risks
  • Determine damage functions and lifespans
  • Prepare technical / commercial forecasts
  • Assess condition and importance of assets
  • Network statistics and key figures
  • List of measures

The results are presented on site and are available online on request. 

Network development

LCC offers the possibility to compare and contrast different network indicators on all network levels in relation to variable forecast analyses.


Condition / Importance / Risk

The rule-based and table-controlled assessment via freely configurable catalogues with specific cost, ageing and damage models ensures a resource-specific assessment of the entire network. In the standard model, the operating resources are evaluated according to condition and importance/risk.

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Key figures

The signion solution LCC provides many different key figures that can be used for orientation with regard to the network evaluation. It makes sense to select the key figures in such a way that they reflect the company's goals.

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Signion's solutions for integrated asset management are used in all sectors of the utility industry. The multi-division capability of our solution provides the asset manager with a consistent system environment for optimising network management across all divisions. 


Condition-orientated maintenance

Maintenance tasks are mapped in separate objects. In this way, the defined time-based maintenance programmes can be stored for specific operating resources. Condition-oriented maintenance approaches, as well as risk-oriented strategies, are implemented in accordance with the rules and the resulting measures are determined automatically.

ISO-standards 55000 and 55001

Signion offers a wide range of services for the standard-compliant introduction, support and certification of asset management. This includes:

  • Piloting, implementation support, project support, consulting and certification;
  • Workshops, seminars, training and coaching;
  • Benchmarks and gap analyses.

Asset Register according to ISO 55000

The realistic mapping of the supply networks ensures the transparent representation of the interaction between strategic scenarios and operational measures
Intelligent tools for decision support in asset management are indispensable nowadays.


Budgets werden als eigenständige Objekte abgebildet und verwaltet. Budgetobjekte haben ein Anfangs- und Enddatum, der Wert kann pauschal oder jahresscharf vorgegeben und mit einem Index zusätzlich variiert werden. Die Aufteilung und Zuordnung von Budgets kann aggregiert oder detailliert nach Sparten und Betriebsmittelgruppen erfolgen.

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Network charge calculation

The creation of the network charge application is automated - from the SAP export to the plausibility check of the data and mapping rules to the Excel output of the calculation sheets (BaB, B1 and B2).
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Asset Management Cockpit

All data created and processed using LCC AM/QM can be made available for downstream processing and use. This is usually done with the reports and reporting functions. 

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